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9. When Family Steps Up
The poles manuafactured by us at the farm
8. The Trap We Walked Into
The finished poles and rings supporting the Dragon Fruit plants at Swasthya Ecofarm
7 . The Price of Shelter: More Than Just Money
Sunset next to our farmhouse which sits atop a gentle hill with a rocky underbed
6. Water, Walls, and First Steps
My dad and daughter giving Jeevamrutha to our Dragon fruit plants.
5. A Dream Versus a Dozen
Swasthya Ecofarm, just after we purchased it.
4. The Land Chooses Us
Satellite image of Swasthya Ecofarm at the point when we first saw it during our search
3. When the World Turned Upside Down
Sunrise over Swasthya Ecofarm during the early days
2. The Seed That Was Planted
A home in a forest in India
1. A Swasthya Journey: from Finance to Farming
The view from our humble farmhouse at Swasthya Ecofarm.